Thursday 21 February 2013

How it will be self sustaining & What is in our Eco-colum

How it will be self sustaining
An aquatic zone supplies water, a terrestrial zone (through plants) supplies oxygen and removes carbon dioxide, the decomposition zone gives off nutrients by decomposing leaves, twigs and fruit. The aquatic zone is at the bottom because it could not be put on a higher level due to gravity and the water will evaporate up the eco column for the plant to survive. The terrestrial zone is on top of the water and on top of the decomposition zone. We have holes for fruit flies to enter the decomposition zone which will support the system. Earthworms have been placed in the Terrestrial and Decomposition zone because Earthworms move through the ground, recycling dead and decomposing organic material back into the soil, re distributing nutrients and improving water drainage .Fruit has been placed in the decomposition so that it can supply nutrients to the ecosystem. Algae has been placed in the aqua zone to create oxygen by breathing in Co2 and giving off oxygen. Therefore, in order for the column to survive, it truly has to be self sustaining. An ecosystem is a unit of nature in which living and non living things are found and have dynamic relationships where they interact with one another. This is why in our eco column we have abiotic and biotic features so it can be self sustaining as a ecosystem. These points suggest that are eco column will be self sustaining as each part in each zone help one another and each zone support one another by nutrients oxygen or water...

What is in our Eco –column
Terra Zone;  a three leaf clover plant -  it grows very easily and is a green plant.
                      ;  radish seed – supplys oxygen in the system and germinate quickly.
                      ; Top soil with fertilizer added – so the plants can survive and contains nutrients for the plants.
                      ; earthworms – Earthworms move through the ground, recycling dead and decomposing organic material back into the soil, re distributing nutrients and improving water drainage

  Decomposition Zone;  a little bit of soil for earthworms.
                                              ;   apple, banana peel and granadilla to supply the system with nutrients
                                             ;    leaves and twigs that decompose as dead organisms.

Aqua Zone ;  ;River water – so it has biotic and abiotic organism in it  and tap water has to many chemicals in it.
                           ; algae – to give off oxygen to the water and to observe what will happen to the algae

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