Thursday 14 March 2013

Changes in the biotic components of our eco – column

Changes in the biotic components of our eco – column

Set 1 eco - column test (Monday 4 march):

Number of plants:
7 radishes
3 three leaf clovers

Clover leaf colour is rich dark green
Radish leaf colour is light green
Radish stem is white but firm

3 fruit flies are in decomposition zone that are alive
2 earthworms that were put in the Terra Zone are now not visible (possibly dead)
2 on each radish plant
Three on each clover stem

Height of plant (cm):
10; 9.5; 6.5; 8.5; 7; 10; 8
Average = 8.5

Set 2 eco - column (Thursday 7 March - last):

Number of plants:
6 radishes
No three leaf clovers (died)

Clover as no leaves (died)
Radish leaf colour is faded light green/yellow 
The stem of the radishes are white and weak

5 fruit flies in decomposition zone that are alive
2 earthworms that were put in are unvisiable

2 on each radish
The clover has died and its leaves have been eaten

Height of plants (cm):
11.5; 10; 7; 7; 11; 9
Average = 9.25cm

Test 1 (4 March) and test 2 (7 march) for Terra Zone: 

Test 1 (4 March) and test 2 (7 march) for Decomposition Zone:  

Test 1 (4 March) and test 2 (7 march) for Aqua Zone:  

Pictures of identified specimens:
Fruit flies:


 Who did what?

Theuns measured the height of plants, number of leaves, number of plants, colour of leaves and labelled all the photos above and included the photos of the identified specimens as well as the urls of those photos.
Nikolai checked to see whether the plants are alive or dead as well as number, type, where they are found.       

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