Friday 12 April 2013

2) Theuns Kuhn: I now have a better understanding of ecology because the Eco-column showed me how biotic and abiotic because we saw how the lack of sunlight, water over the holidays and the temperature effect the growth of the plants, algae ect.

Angus Sutherland: Doing this Eco-column gave us a better understanding of ecology. Ecology is the study of how abiotic components affected the biotic components.
These are examples on how abiotic factors can affect the biotic factors. These examples are not however a reflection of OUR eco column:

Sunlight and artificial light.
One of the reasons our radishes did not flourish was due to the lack of light exposure.
For algae to develop a fairly warm temperature is needed. It cannot develop in freezing conditions.
For algae to develop the water used in the aqua zone needs to be from a natural source. Water from the tap contains chlorine which kills bacteria therefore stopping algae from developing.
Nikolai Piotrowski: I feel now that I have gained the basic understanding of ecology through the way that I have see our Eco-column behave due to the dynamic relationships between abiotic and biotic components and how without any of the key parts in an Ecosysytem how it stuggles to be self sustaining.

3) Theuns Kuhn: Yes, I think we did work well together because we quickly decided who must do what. Angus did most of the physical work (measuring the Hp, taking pictures of the the Eco-column and cell-scoping) and Nikolai and I shared most of the writing work. I think that we could of got slightly better mark though.

Angus Sutherland: I think that each member pulled their weight in the group. We worked well together with each member doing his part. Our Blog mark was an acuarate reflection of what the whole group deserved.

Nikolai Piotrowski: I feel that the group worked very well together but with a few difficulties at certain times. There was very good communication between the members and we came to conclusions early on thoughts and what is needed to be done by who. I thought the quality of the work was excellent from every group member.

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