Friday 12 April 2013

-column as an ecosystem – 1 member to post.


2.1) Definition of an ecosystem: A unit in which aboitic and biotic organism have a relationship were they interact with one another, the living (biotic) organism interact with the abiotic physical environment . An ecosystem is a defined area which is self sustaining. An ecosystem cannot exist without abiotic and biotic components. An ecosystem as four main sections. 1) Autotrophs (make their own food) or producers which are mainly green plants because of photosynthesis . 2) the consumers which are heterotrophs, mainly animals. 3) the decomposers which are in fact heterotrophs mainly bacteria and fungi. 4) the non living/ abiotic environment.

2.2) The reason we consider our Eco-column to be an ecosystem, is because in our Eco- column we have biotic (decomposers, heterotrophs, Autotrophs) and aboitic components in our column which is the most vital part of an ecosystem. Are Eco- column is in a defined space with the ability for outsiders eg. Fruit flies, to enter our Eco- column just like in environments and habitats. Proof of this is we have bacteria, fungi and earthworms as decomposers; we had algae and a plant as our Autotrophs to produce oxygen. We had fruit flies and earthworms acting as Consumers so in our ecosystem we had all the essential parts in an ecosystem. One of the reasons we would consider our Eco-column not to be a successful ecosystem is because it was not self sustaining but in nature it is the circle of life to die so therefore that is an acceptable feat that our Eco-column died but for us as a group it feels a bit like a failure but we still think of it as a success..  In our ecosystem we had one or 2 food chains running but not an entire food web. Therefore we do not think are Eco-column was a perfect ecosystem but could be classified as one as we had biotic and abiotic components.

Evidence of abiotic components:


Bark, decomposed fruit and twigs:

Evidence of biotic components:

Radish plants:


2.3) The reason we think our eco-column was a success was understanbly that the eco column had all the essential parts of a ecosystem. Unfortunately for us , mistakes let us down as we did not recycle the water often enough, didn’t have a food web in our ecosystem and had no water for three weeks during the holidays . On the other hand we can see it as a success but not as a success as a ecosystem.  If our eco- column deemed success it would be that we had all the essentials defining a ecosystem. All our posts were done with great success because of our eco-column so we can conclude that our eco-column was success but not a success as an eco-column. Bacteria and fungi are still living in our eco-column decomposing what is left this is what really happens in nature so another plus by which it was it success. One of the reasons we would consider our eco-column not to be a successful ecosystem is because it was not self sustaining but in nature it is the circle of life to die so therefore that is an acceptable feat that our eco-column died but for us as a group it feels a bit like a failure but we still think of it as a success.

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